

so i've been reading an amazing book called 'shepharding the heart.' it has really been moving on my heart. it just reminds you to have your little one's heart as your focus, your priority. and the chapter i was reading last night is having that little heart on your heart while you are discipling. this summer i feel like that has not been the case. the majority of the time i am correcting behavior to better accomodate me. i have been reminded to focus on their little soul, not on how embarrassed i am in the walmart checkout line. anyway, it is an amazing book. totally recommend it. (thanks dave & sarah for recommending it to us:-)

so now to the pic. a tiny example that we attempting to implement what we are learning. was rowe's gorgeous long hair, which i LOVED, was it the best for our future home in florida, a place that has no winter? i think not, but goodness, how i miss it.

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