

some tricycle ridin'.

to add to funnies this kid says. my new fav is if rowe wakes up not quite on the right side of the bed, chap will say, 'rowe, you are a grumpie.'


once again, thank you chap for being a good sport about sharing your clothes for your brother's costumes. i mean who buys a muscle-t  for your 4T. not me, so here is chap's pink 2T that does just fine. let alone the jean skirt.  he googled hercules, saw the skirt thingie hercules wears, the 'round thing,' rowe calls it and would only have a 'round thing,' too. it's pretty close.  

 like the stink eye, rowe continues to pursue the ultimate tough face.  i think the very top one looks pretty good.  this one is lost to the 80's.

hercules in action.  so i'm playing in an adult co-ed soccer league up in naples, which is so much fun, so this is where rowe scored the mongo shin guards.

it sort of looses its umph when you can't see the pink:-)


the little one


pirates today.  complete with new sword, thanks to shannon, jack, & henry.  you are all superheros around here:-)  lots of pirates faces and chapin yelling 'aye matey' at the top of her voice.  hilarious.



love love photo booth.  just found this one of the three of us from last fall.



rowe continues in his pursuit of the perfect stink eye.


so andy had lots of 'help' with the tahoe yesterday. please note that he is reading as he is fixing.  hum.....


o, sweet chap.  just doing your own thing.  so before i forget these, here are some of the things comin' out of this one's mouth lately.  
momma, i'm not ready.  second minutes, please.  
rowe, don't mess with me. i  need to make privacy.  
i know what time it is - sixty four seven.  

 a couple words/phrases she has made her own:
i'm gonna 'claws' the movie. i need skun-screen. oh, it's been a long, long day.  

she is for sure following my footsteps in her love of all things food. if she sees anyone with anything she'd like to nibble, she matter of factly says, 'some.'

of course there are a thousand of these and of course i can't remember anymore on the spot.


andy finalized his logo a couple of days ago and i know i'm biased, but i think it's beautiful



clark kent and lois lane


nope, not harry potter.  we are going back here, folks.  rowe stumpled on a 'clark kent' youtube and now he loves the old school superman.  how 'clark klent,' as he call him, busts out out of his  sunday school clothes and shows  off the big 's.' note - this is what happens when you have a little sister.  her pink glasses become part of your costume and then her little red riding hood cape, aka my old skirt,  gets put to use as well.



so our sweet friends from everglade city introduced us to some of their friends, one of whom had gone to auburn -  war damn eagle.  he graduated as a landscape architect, worked for the hyatt down here, loves tropical plants, and now is the director at the naples botancial garden. so this.... is his front yard & he and his family threw a big easter shin dig & egg hunts for the kiddos.  i really felt like i was in swiss family robinson or something.  i mean the place is crazy.

so not only do they pretty much have a rain forest in their yard, they also have chickens & roosters &  huge tortoises - the wife works at the nature conservancy - all of the kiddos were in heaven.

this is our sweet friends' little boy, henry. he and rowe are pretty close in age, but even closer in their love of all things toy story.

just a couple more of this place. i still can't even believe it.