

so our sweet friends from everglade city introduced us to some of their friends, one of whom had gone to auburn -  war damn eagle.  he graduated as a landscape architect, worked for the hyatt down here, loves tropical plants, and now is the director at the naples botancial garden. so this.... is his front yard & he and his family threw a big easter shin dig & egg hunts for the kiddos.  i really felt like i was in swiss family robinson or something.  i mean the place is crazy.

so not only do they pretty much have a rain forest in their yard, they also have chickens & roosters &  huge tortoises - the wife works at the nature conservancy - all of the kiddos were in heaven.

this is our sweet friends' little boy, henry. he and rowe are pretty close in age, but even closer in their love of all things toy story.

just a couple more of this place. i still can't even believe it.  

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