

once again, thank you chap for being a good sport about sharing your clothes for your brother's costumes. i mean who buys a muscle-t  for your 4T. not me, so here is chap's pink 2T that does just fine. let alone the jean skirt.  he googled hercules, saw the skirt thingie hercules wears, the 'round thing,' rowe calls it and would only have a 'round thing,' too. it's pretty close.  

 like the stink eye, rowe continues to pursue the ultimate tough face.  i think the very top one looks pretty good.  this one is lost to the 80's.

hercules in action.  so i'm playing in an adult co-ed soccer league up in naples, which is so much fun, so this is where rowe scored the mongo shin guards.

it sort of looses its umph when you can't see the pink:-)


tl said...

Oh my... I think we now know the difference between Hercules and Himcules...
Wonderful pics...

Anonymous said...

love it!

lindsay j said...

Your kiddos look like they're having the time of their lives playing dress-up! He's gonna love looking at these photos when he's all grown up~ p.s. I love the 5th one down in black and white.