

let me just preface this post by explaining rowe's winter wear. we have found a new home for ALOT of our stuff lately. some things which might have been a bit preemptive. like rowe's winter jacket. i mean, do you really need a winter jacket in florida? surely not, but maybe i should have kept it a little big longer with all of this crazy idaho weather. no big deal though, thankfully chap had a second and rowe managed to squeeze it in, so on to the pics.

since the coldest it gets in chokolaskee in january is 78, we are all enjoying this little bit of winter while we have it:-)

trying to catch those snowflakes. too funny.

1 comment:

DID said...

My nieces look like they are having fun...;). .Chase, in Rowe's honor will be wearing his t-shirt that says "real men wear pink". love you guys