

had my first day on the water with andy today.  fished for reds, worked on poling a little bit, and even went after some tarpon that were sunning.  pretty fun.  please excuse the whole in andy's pants.  i tried to edit out the b & w one.  perfect example of why my blog has  pictures, nothing with a needle.

andy is truly filing his role as 'provider' as he is bringing home dinner almost every night.  the red in the pic was so good, better than halibut people. i couldn't believe it.  we are off to naples to get some supplies to start our garden tomorrow. livin' off the land :-) 

1 comment:

lindsay j said...

Dang ya'll! This looks like the life- I try not to covet things but the 2 degree weather today is brutal and I'm a desert rat jonesin' for some sun. Enjoy your summer year-round! Maybe someday I"ll join you- Love. L